Audit Sweden – Global reach
Audit Sweden – Revideco provides a range of services such as audit, accounting and tax. As a member of MGI Worldwide, an international network of independent audit, tax and accounting firms, we have direct access to global, practical business advice within a structure of trusted relationships, designed to deliver high standards at affordable cost. The 2017 MGI worldwide Annual General Meeting took place in Frankfurt, Germany.
Audit Sweden – Global reach
Revideco’s representatives at the AGM 2017 were managing partner Erik Emilsson, MGI international chairman 2013-2014, Caisa Westin, partner from Göteborg, and Antti J. Niemi, partner from Stockholm.
“Many of our local clients look into doing business outside of Sweden. Since we know professionals from around the world that are devoted to providing high quality service and also work with SMEs, we have a global reach that benefits our clients. ” Antti comments.
Caisa continues: “Vice versa, members of MGI Worldwide have referred several international clients to us, whom we still have successful working relationships with. Through these partnerships we are adding Sweden to our network’s global reach.”
Competing with Big audit
When competing with Big Audit companies about local audit assignments, we often win. We believe this is due to a couple of factors:
1) We are specialized in SME companies
2) Global reach
3) We answer the phone
4) Efficiency
5) Pricing
“Interestingly enough, number 3 seems to be most important,” says Erik. “Many of our fellow MGI members have come to the same conclusion, as they too are attracting a lot of attention from companies that traditionally would have bought services from Big Audit.”
Other services
Traditionally, audit has been the core service of our member companies. This is changing. Accounting, financial reporting and secretarial services, tax, transfer pricing, forensics, company valuations, due diligences, wealth management and legal matters are now further provided services.
This is dependent on legislation, Erik comments: “For example, in Sweden we consider us being a full service provider – but as a registered audit company, the law prohibits us to provide advice on wealth management. In many other countries, these laws are different and in those countries, our members are allowed to be more entrepreneurial.”
MGI worldwide 70 years
In 2017, MGI Worldwide celebrates 70 years and is therefore one of the oldest accountancy networks in the world. Read more about the history of MGI here.
We at Revideco are very proud to be part of this network since 2000.
Are you are interested in finding out more about the services provided by Revideco, please click here. You can find client testimonials, international contact persons, as well as a guide on how to set up a business entity in Sweden.
Trusted advisors in Sweden since 1994
We are a independent one-stop shop for advisory, accounting and audit services